The Ultimate Self Assessment Guide
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Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. What is a self-assessment tax return?
3. Do you need to file a self-assessment tax return?
4. What are the key deadlines?
5. Penalties for a missing deadline
6. What are the allowable expenses?
7. How to register for self-assessment?
8. How to file a self-assessment return?
9. Payment of self-assessment bill
10. COVID-19 Grants and SEISS
11. Tips to get self-assessment right.
12. Contact us
13. Disclaimer
Self Assessment Guide
The primary purpose of Self Assessment is to declare all income for a given tax year to the
HMRC to pay the right amount of income tax. In other words, a Self Assessment is HMRC’s
way to find out how much income tax and National Insurance an individual needs to pay
on any income which is not taxed at source.