What is P11D?
It is a form used for reporting benefits in kind to the HMRC. These are benefits in cash, kind or services that your employer provides (or your employees) in addition to your salary.
Examples include private healthcare, interest-free loans (for example, to pay for railway ticket packages), and company cars.
Because benefits in kind effectively boost your wage, you may be required to pay National Insurance contributions (NICs) and income tax. However, it’s crucial to clarify that the firm, not the individual, pays these contributions and deducts them from employees’ salaries.
What information should be included in a P11D?
Any items the employer pays for and the employee benefits from should be reported on the P11D form. The following expenses and benefits must be reported to HMRC:
● Company automobiles
● Seasonal rail ticket loans
● Other loans
● Health insurance
● Assets provided to an employee that has personal use
● Self-assessment fees paid by the company
● Non-business travel expenses
● Non-business entertainment expenses
● Relocating expenses exceeding the allowance set by HMRC
Will it affect the amount of tax you will pay?
Yes, it is possible. NI and any income tax liabilities for benefits and expenses are generally deducted against your PAYE tax code since they are taxable.
It means you may have to pay more income tax and NI. Your monthly payslip will show you how much tax you’ve paid and any changes to your tax code. It’s critical to double-check that you’re paying the correct amount of tax; if you’re not, contact HMRC.
When is the P11D deadline?
You have a legal requirement to declare all expenses and benefits to HMRC at the end of the financial year. For the previous tax year, your P11D must be submitted by July 6th, and you must pay any taxes by July 22nd.
Exemptions from the P11D tax for certain business expenses
Certain company expenses are exempt from being disclosed on your P11D form. In general, these allowable expenses are for costs incurred only to assist the company in increasing profits. The following costs are exempt:
● Expenditures for business travel and entertainment
● Credit cards used for business purposes
● Subscriptions and fees